Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
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This website will start the process to enroll your student into International Polytechnic High School (IPoly) for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read the information below so you are aware of the enrollment steps.

Step 1: Online Enrollment (must be completed as soon as possible, prior to beginning Online Registration). Please complete all required fields and do not type in all caps.

You will need the following information to complete online enrollment:

  • General information about your student
  • Parent/Guardian home, work and cell numbers
  • Parent/Guardian email addresses
  • Names and phone numbers of emergency contacts
  • Physician name and phone number
  • Immunization records
  • Name, address and District of residence (home District)
  • Date student was first enrolled in U.S. school (age 3 and up)
  • Date student was first enrolled in U.S. school (grades K-12)
  • Date student was first enrolled in school in California 
  • City, state and country of birth (this is required by the California State Department of Education)
  • Date student entered the U.S. if not born in the U.S.
  • Ethnicity demographics
    • Important software note: If you select ‘Hispanic’, but do not select the specific ethnic category/categories, the AERIES software will report as ‘White’. Therefore, please carefully fill out all relevant ethnic categories for accurate demographic reporting to the California State Department of Education.


Step 2: Online Registration (Please complete prior to attending IPoly's in-person registration, scheduled for late July, 2024)

  • After completing online enrollment, you will receive instructions by mail with information on how to access the AERIES Parent Portal to complete online registration for your student
  • The AERIES Parent Portal may be accessed through the IPoly website
  • Please complete all required fields 
  • Download "additional registration forms" from the portal
    • After downloading forms, please print, complete and sign required registration forms.
    • In the AERIES Parent Portal, you must also check off that you read and agree to the terms of each form to complete the entire online registration process.
    • Completed forms must be returned to IPoly during in-person registration week, scheduled for late July, 2024; details will be mailed home with specific dates and times.
  • Please save the username (email address) and password you used to create your student's online registration for future access to the Parent Portal (used to review student's academic progress, attendance and course information).


You may contact IPoly Admissions at 909-839-2361 with any questions.


To get started enrolling a new student, click the "Enroll A New Student" button below.

Please select '2024-2025 Pre-Enrollment' in the drop-down menu.